Community Kids exists to partner with families to love and lead kids to Jesus. We strive to provide a safe, fun and welcoming experience for all children. Our Children’s Ministry workers consist of men and women that have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and are committed to sharing Jesus with your child in a way they can understand and then apply to their daily lives. We desire for each child to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and learn to live on mission for Him.
SUNDAY MORNING (1st service all class rooms available)
8:45am-9am: Child Check-In
9:00am-10:15am: Class Time
10:15am-10:30am: Child Pick Up
SUNDAY MORNING (2nd service only Nursery/Toddler: Birth-3 available)
10:30-10:45am: Check-in
10:45am - 12:00pm: Class Time
12:00pm-12:15pm: Child Pick Up
Nursery/Toddler: Birth-3 (available 1st and 2nd service)
We provide a safe and inviting environment for your little ones so while you are in service, they feel comfortable and are well taken care of. Our experienced and loving nursery workers will engage your child in play with age appropriate toys, as well as videos and music that teach about God’s love for them. Nursing mothers may be with their child as needed and children can be fed based on your instructions.
PRE K Age 3 (potty trained)- (available 1st service)
Every week your child will be taught about Jesus and how every story in the Bible connects to Him. This will be done through Bible stories, video, memory verses, and other activities such as crafts, games and music using motions.
ELEMENTARY: Grades Kindergarten- 2nd & 3rd-5th (available 1st service)
Children are taught on a deeper level what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ, apply this to their lives and daily live on mission for Him. This is done through Bible stories, videos, music, Bible time, prayer and of course lots of fun games and activities. We strive to provide a warm, safe atmosphere that encourages the kids to share their struggles and victories with us so we can walk beside them through the tough days and celebrate the good days too.
* All of our classrooms are equipped with a secure check-in/check-out process and excellent teacher to child ratios. In addition, all of those on the Children’s Ministry team have been screened and trained before being in the classroom
We are growing and always looking for new people to join our Children’s Ministry team. If you are interested in learning more about serving in one of our classes click the volunteer button and your info will go directly to Michele Kindy our Children’s Ministry Director.