
So you have been here a few weeks and are wondering, “now what?”  Let us help!  We know that it is hard to become involved in a church.  We want to help by giving you our process of connection.  Like any relationship, it starts off kind of awkward, but can grow into a vital part of your life.   Community Bible Church is all about relationships, and would love to offer you the following steps to growing in your relationship with us.  A relational process that moves you from being a stranger to a family member.  

“I want to be known, but have my reservations” 

Keep attending Sunday mornings. Sundays are a comfortable and nonthreatening place to start building key relationships with others from Community.   They are the perfect place to get to know people and move from a stranger to an acquaintance

 “I know them, and they know me.” 

Try a Community Group.  These are groups that allow you to move from being a stranger to a friendship.  They are meeting in homes and are intentional about getting to know you!  They are a place to become better connected and cared for as you continue your journey with us.  They are truly the best thing you can be involved in here at Community! 

“ I am not just known, I belong.” 

Step 3: Become a member.  This the most intense form of belonging here at Community.  You are no longer a friend, but are deciding to become family.   You have committed your self to the authority and love of others.  You are not just a friend, but a vital part of the family.  


No matter what phase you are in, we are praying for you and encourage you to take a next step with us.