Community Bible meets regularly on Sunday mornings at 9am & 10:45am to celebrate all that Christ has accomplished and all He is doing during our week. During this time we will sing, pray, meet other families, and listen to a sermon on a particular topic/Bible passage. At Community you will find those who are exploring whether or not God even exists, those returning to church, and some who have been following Jesus for many years. While we believe that Jesus has called the church to unity, it does not mean a lack of diversity. It is our hope that you will find the beauty talked about in scriptures by connecting with people from all different stages of life. And we have a lot of fun doing it!
We strive to make Sunday mornings excellent, relaxed, and authentic. From being greeted with an open door, to our children’s check in, we strive to make you feel honored as a guest.
Our music is varied because the priority for us is not style or genre, but biblical content. We realize that if we don't get the content right, we don't get worship right. That being said, don't mistake biblical for boring!
If you are visiting for the first time you will be welcomed into a very causal, authentic environment with an abundance of coffee. We meet regularly at 9am till 10:15am and 10:45am till 12:00pm. We have a great opportunity to hang out after the service until noon. It is a time of meeting new people and catching up with friends.
If you have any questions prior to arriving, feel free to email us at at info@communitybibleonline.com. We are excited to meet you!